I just came to Singapore from Bali. Aircon room after a month of 32-34 degrees. Feels really cool to just chill in a room, write some words for you guys and just remembering all those good days i have spent in Australia and Indo.

My first plan was just to travel first time in my life that far, meet new people, new culture and work as a ski instructor, do some little competitions just for fun and at the end go to Bali to learn how to stand up on a surf board. But now...i am the happiest person and grateful for what i have learned, did and tried. I understand now that my home is here, around the world, but still i missed my country and am pretty glad that my flight back to Slovenia is in 2 days. It will be just sick to get back and share feelings. ...so back to the plans...even if i didn't travel around Down under as i expected i finished my winter season with 7th place in thredbo slopestyle, 4th in Big air finals and 1st on One hit wonder event (after a knockout on a second day -check it in a clip at the end). Don't want to claim to much but that made me really happy and stoked to start my (the real) season in Europe.
One Hit Wonder 2009 Wrapped from One Hit Wonder Event on Vimeo.
...2nd thing is that i've learned how to surf on a board which is not really similar to skis on waves that are just perfect. I admit that sometimes was rough and just silly looking at me first time on Bondi just smashing the water without any result to paddle out in the line up and cutting my cheek and getting some stitches.

Apparently that was really funny to my good friends over there. But at the end i am glad that after 12 days of Salmonela poisoning i was still able to improve and just in last week changed the board for a smaller one and finally shred waves not only cruisin in the white water. Had the most fun to share that with slovenian friends in Kuta. they were also glad that i'm gone...haha

And at the end i am really really stoked for the new movie that is coming out in a few days. Last year i was filming with Finish film production Hame and shooted some cool stuff with Slovenian Outofnowhere production and New partisan films. I am announcing the trailer for a movie called +358 where you will be able to see some of my last year skiing.
+358 Finnish Ski Movie trailer from Pyry Virkkula on Vimeo.
The trip was bagus (good)
Salamat minum!