I believe that CR took care of my day at Vogel. It was just perfect step down road gap kick. I had only 2 tries to hit it because of a tight landing and 2 more persons who jumped it aswell.
I feel as a really bad skier when it comes to step down jumps. It just feels a bit weird if you jump park kickers and don't have such a good conditions over the ski season in Slovenia to practice that kind of jump. Firstly you are not sure with how much speed you have to kick it, secondly it feels a bit awkward in the air because of higher speed and lower control in the air...and at the end you have only couple of tries to stomp the trick and get away with a clean shot.
The decision about going for the mellow shot or going for the "can't be famous doing pussy stuff" shot is always a bit tricky, but we try to make the second one work out
i went for mellow 360 and pretty cool 720 and got both caught on tape...
Caught the prey, got the 1st pow shot of the season...Thanks CR...believe in righteous words!