Gloryfy bastards was the contest with best format ever. Hitting the biggest hip in my life in Gerlos at night was one of the best experiences i've ever had. I came in Gerlos on Friday night and missed the training. When i saw the feature i was blown away. Perfect shaped hip in the middle of village almost was looking really cool and pretty big. 18m of flat at the top looked sketchy to hit it over. But soon this myth was busted when i started to hit it in the morning practice. In 6 try's i decided to go a bit faster and jumped over for the first time. Came a bit short but everything was ok.
Qualifications started with jam session of snowboarders before skiers and snowboarders didn't step it up. One of them made it over with backside 180 and that scared me a bit, because my first goal was to do some cool tricks over. It was snowing and there was not much of the speed. Our time was on and skiers were al pumped. Did couple of jumps on the side and than surprised everyone with doing a smooth 540 over the whole thing. Since then everything just went crazy. Everyone saw that it is possible so they stepped up their game aswell. It was a madness already in Qualis. With my team mate we made it to finals which was pretty cool.

Finals started with best trick session where i made mistake and didn't land my 900 tail. But team finals were still ahead of us. We did a run with his 180 and my 540 and decided to go for all or nothing on the second run. We didn't make it so we had to be pleased with 3rd place. So that's pretty ok for this invitational contest that beaten me up so many times with big crashes also. Once i came up short and knocked my face with the knee into my head and broke lens. And the other time i went for a 9 and soon as i came out i knew that's going to be big. I couldn't see nothing in mid air but when i came out i saw i am still 5m to high for a sweet landing. Landed really deep and ejected out of skis. So the feature was 10m high and you can also see from the photo that i went pretty big, so decide how big was the crash.
Soon as i came home i got a call from my friends that powder time is on and we builded a kicker in backcountry and got no shots which was a bummer.
But than today we went across one peak and found perfect playground which made us shreding the best pow of the year and put big smiles on our faces
So many things can happen in just a few days and i am already stoked for new snowfall that is coming in a few days!
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